Why Our Data Is Reliable

Welcome you all who are interested in hair extension business!

As a hair seller, we understand the difficulty of finding a good source of hair extensions for reselling business. We’ve been through up and down, working with a variety of wholesale hair suppliers worldwide, and definitely not all of them are good and worth it.

Not letting our experience be wasteful, we’d like to share with you guys all of our experiences. They are in forms of the lists of good, bad and premium wholesale hair vendors worldwide. Thereby, we hope to help you find suitable hair suppliers for your business.

Our mission is to create a reliable platform where we can PROTECT EACH OTHER from scammers. We promise to give objective information about the good and bad hair companies. Therefore, we will never have to waste money on frauds. TOGETHER WE RUN FROM SCAM COMPANIES!

You lost $1,000 or even $10,000 and more on rubbish hair companies? Just stop! Let us help with wiser options. Free and premium hair vendor lists are available up to your choice!

To make the lists objective, we also synthesize the data shared by reliable community, especially NAHV, Yelp and Trustpilot, etc. FYI, NAHV stands for Newfound Assembly of Hairline Vocation. Their mission is seeking to protect the interests of hair industry in Nigeria by giving brutal reviews and profound business advice. In addition, Yelp and Trustpilot are objective reliable platforms that gather real customers reviews around the USA and worldwide.

NAHV Instagram: @nahv_community

Yelp website: yelp.com

Trustpilot website: trustpilot.com