How to import hair from Vietnam – all things you need to know

You’re a hair retailer, wholesaler, or reseller.  Are you having trouble finding and wanting to purchase premium Vietnamese hair extensions for your company? Then you should absolutely read this post! We are prepared to discuss Vietnamese hair in this post and how to import hair from Vietnam at trustworthy and reputable workshops!

How to import hair from Vietnam - all things you need to know
How to import hair from Vietnam – all things you need to know

1. How to import hair from Vietnam – the characteristics you should know

Before learning to import hair from Vietnam you should know some information about Vietnamese hair products. In this section, we will introduce the main characteristics as well as Vietnamese hairstyles.

1.1. The types of Vietnamese hair

Vietnamese hair is divided into 3 main types according to their hair origin: virgin hair, remy hair, and non-remy hair

  • Virgin hair:

Virgin hair is raw, unprocessed hair that has been taken straight from a donor’s head. Virgin hair is 100% human hair, taken from a single person, not processed through chemicals, so it is very strong and durable. Vietnam virgin hair imports can be bleached and dyed in a variety of bright hues.

  • Remy hair

Remy hair is hair that has been gathered from a group of individuals that have the same traits. The roots and tips of all hair strands flow unilaterally because the cuticles are all oriented in the same direction. You can obtain hair and dye it in any dark shade you desire if you know how to import hair from Vietnam.

  • Non-remy hair:

Non-Remy hair is gathered and sifted from a variety of sources, some of which are questionable: from several merchants, from numerous individuals with various traits, or even on the floor of hair salons. Because the hair strands are mixed together unevenly, the hair becomes tangled and frizzy after only a short time of use.

How to import hair from Vietnam - the characteristics you should know
How to import hair from Vietnam – the characteristics you should know

1.2. The main features of Vietnamese hair

Some features you should know when buying hair from Vietnamese hair suppliers are:

  • Natural source:

In mountainous regions, hair is solely obtained from young Vietnamese women. The hair is really healthy and still has its unique hues. In order to keep their hair very strong and resilient, these women shampoo it every day with natural herbal components. However, in order for your hair to be durable and retain its natural shine, you should know how to take care of Vietnamese Hair properly. Proper hair care will make your hair more durable and beautiful.

  • Low labor cost: Because there is a large labor pool, labor expenses are lower compared to many other nations.
  • No transportation expenses: Vietnamese hair vendors frequently locate their factories close to the source of hair materials to reduce transportation expenses.

2. How to import hair from Vietnam – the ways to choose vendors

The first step you should know when you learn how to import hair from Vietnam is how to find the right supplier.

2.1. Verified company registration

It’s crucial to choose a recognized brand while figuring out how to import hair from Vietnam. A trustworthy manufacturer for importing Vietnamese hair must be a well-known brand. The simplest method to identify hair providers sourced from Vietnam is by brand name. 

You can view all of your social media-posted hair videos and photos with trademarks, hair labels, watermarks,  and logo tag tags for product authorization if you work with reliable hair providers. You cannot determine the source of the hair from providers of hair that use unproven names or items without trademarks, and you are hesitant to transfer their money out of concern about fraud.

How to import hair from Vietnam - the ways to choose vendors
How to import hair from Vietnam – the ways to choose vendors

2.2. Physical evidence

There must be a legitimate hair factory that explains how to import hair from Vietnam. A hair factory that refuses to provide factory proof and refuses to engage in video chats with its clients is probably a trading firm, an intermediary, or just an ordinary middleman. Watch out!

Important guidelines for identifying a legitimate hair manufacturer when importing hair from Vietnam include: Request pictures and videos of their factory, and then request a video call so that you can inspect everything in great detail. The factory that will perform this for you is unquestionably a legitimate hair factory and not a for-profit intermediary hair firm.

3. How to import hair from Vietnam – tips for your orders

After finding a supplier, you should pay attention to a few things for your order.

3.1. Shipment of how to import hair from Vietnam 

Whenever it comes to shipping, Western importers that buy Vietnamese hair run into a lot of issues. On the shipping route, many packages are reported to have gone missing. The people who must endure all of this loss and uncertainty are the purchasers.

Additionally, you could experience several issues with the delivery of how imported hair from Vietnam if the hair merchants do not provide you with the correct support. Even at the airport, dealing with customs may be challenging when importing hair from Vietnam. Choosing the appropriate providers is therefore essential. When importing Vietnamese hair, you should exercise caution since often the lowest deal is not the best price.

How to import hair from Vietnam - tips for your orders
How to import hair from Vietnam – tips for your orders

3.2. Insurance and refund after how to import hair from Vietnam

Like you, hair retail stores pay a sizable amount of the cost abroad. As you touched the hair, though, you are unsatisfied. Even when you carefully comb the hair through, the bunches or come to an end fall out since the hair isn’t as silky as the vendor had said. They may not be worth the money you paid, but you cannot get your money back for the hair. You are left alone with the piles of discarded fabric by the sellers, who remain silent.

There aren’t many Vietnamese hair providers in general that provide insurance and refund policies for their hair. You may feel secure knowing how to import hair from Vietnam with such sources.

For more useful tips on importing Vietnamese hair, you can refer to our website Hair vendors review. This is a website dedicated to sharing information about hair extensions, hair companies and how to do hair business.